Thursday, November 4, 2010

To the fans of Michael Jackson on

Special is a... well, special word. Special is meaning important, extraordinary. I find it very much beautiful how most of you treat each other, and almost just as much as Michael, you inspire me with that love. Most of you all treat each other with so much love and seem always there when the other needs a shoulder to cry on (even if you don't meet in life outside). What makes it beautiful on this very spot is that love, and I can't explain how lovely it is to be apart of it. We've had our ups and downs here, just like regular family. Especially me! But Michael... his beautiful presence made us into a second family, this is like a second family to me and hopefully to more fans as well.
Now as I've pointed out, most of you treat each other so beautifully, and that's how Michael always adored it. When I look onto a photo of Michael, and see some comments; of course, I'm going to at least skim through them. And certain comments do tear me up a bit, because it's so filled with love. If Michael read these words, I know he would do the very same action.
Same with the words said about Michael here, you say he's an amazing inspiration, a great king, an uplifting humanatarian. It's all true. It's beautiful what's written.
You all are special on here, and I never wanted to leave on that time period. There was something said about me, something that sort of hurt - they were glad I left. I won't say names though, but I just didn't get it. Did I really do something wrong? Even though that hurt, I still wanted to stay, because those words make me happy and inspired.
I don't want anything to change here, except for increasing with the love (if that's possible. Haha.) Though there really is one thing that I find needs more work, and that is more respect for Lisa. I'm not exactly asking for "Lisa Love", but just respect. I don't want to see anything terrible about her, because you know I do defend her. But I know none of you mean any harm, and I love you for that.

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