Friday, November 12, 2010

What happened to when he was different... ?

I'm not going to act like it's the end of the world or like my life is over, because it's not worth that. What happened to when he was different? All of that year and a half, I was wronging myself. I'm not insulting him in any way, but he was disrespecting me, he made me angry and made me cry too many times and it's only been a month. I reason with rarely, but so many times in a month is outragous! I yearn to know what happened to the sweet, respectful boy I knew last year. I guess I just figured out the real him... did I?
I really thought this was going to be a long-time relationship, but I was wronging myself there too. Has he caught on... ? We're over... ? My heart tells me Stay with him... But my gut says No, he'll wrong you once more. Should I listen to my heart... or should I listen to my gut? I don't know. Why can't I know? I'm sick of hearing You're too young. Because really... you're never too young.


  1. You ARE too young. You're still in middle school and it's a little early to start dating. You have plenty of time to start REAL dating when you're older so just enjoy being a kid while you can.

    That being said, don't take these kind of relationships so seriously. You're not going to marry this kid or truly deeply in love with him. It's just puppy love. You have yet to experience true love. Just have fun with it because it's nothing to get all upset or serious about. Dating starts getting serious during junior year in high school when you can actually date and y'know, DRIVE. Even in high school though dating is nothing to take too seriously because these relationships will not be for forever as we are still developing and finding ourselves as people.

    So don't worry about it because this is just kid stuff. Wait till you become an adult.

  2. I've been in your shoes a few years ago. Everyone has two sides.... its natural... this guy for example he insulted, swore made me feel bad about myself, gossiped about be EVERYTHING imaginable to ruin my life. He doesn't seem like he did that extreme things but the point heart told me to stay and be friends, but my guts told me to leave ... yeah ... I should of left him that very moment because some people dont change... they try ... but it takes a LONG time before they can really change. It can be disappointing when they start to act
    Another thing to consider... NEVER SETTLE... I mean ... if you can handle and deal with his bad side... then go for it..but if his bad side just makes you feel bad about yourself, hun, no one who "loves" you should never make you feel bad. Kate is right, you do have PLENTY of time, heck you'll be LOTS of people and find someone who will love you for you! Its possible! and it does happen! its all part of growing up...
