Saturday, November 6, 2010

You are one in a million...

Everyone should know I do not like Hannah Montana by now, but I love the song One in a Million. I love it so much because every word describes how I feel about DB. Especially Can't believe I'm so lucky. I have never been this happy. DB is everything I love in someone, he is the someone. There has been so many signs. And I actually think that Oompa-Loompa (yes, I think I spelled this wrong)'s "No." was a sign. She said "No.", so she was never with him, but if she did say "Yes.", they could still be together today, and I wouldn't be so happy and lucky. Now that I've realized this, I appreciate her (I guess).

EVERY WORD describes how I feel about DB.

1 comment:

  1. HEY!!lmaoo this was my fav secret songs!! I LOVE the lyrics they describe how I feel!! Sometimes the unexpected happen!! and you that one in a million guy will come along and it seems too good to be true... Ever happen to you???
    LOL it happened to me !!!!
